Our Client Services
For You
- Provide education about Medicare and Social Security enrollment and timelines.
- Create individualized proposals based on your own specific criteria.
- Meet with you to go over proposal and assist with plan selection and implementation.
Provide service throughout the year answering questions and helping find and connect to resources.
- Help you evaluate your plan each year during Annual Enrollment Period as needed.
As a Consultant
- I certify each year with the all the individual Medicare supplemental insurance carrier's and their plans I choose to represent. (based on research about the carrier).
- I also certify annually with required courses through America's Health Insurance Plan (AHIP) directed by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS).
- Have a Washington State Insurance license that every 2 years I must take required credit courses to keep.
- I constantly survey to the marketplace for new plans and what are the changes to current plans.
- Keep abreast of legislative issues about Social Security, Medicare and other issues pertinent to aging as well as business issues and information about the insurance industry as a whole and specific to individual carriers.